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发表于 2021-5-11 16:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
职位:英国利物浦路虎工厂驻厂质量代表3 p4 n3 N  s3 A9 Q2 R( ?0 y% S

9 Z0 p4 l" g" J4 N# I  |4 b工作地点:英国利物浦
) O" J7 t2 R1 `+ I* T& W) |7 Y
- w2 M  ^  K3 E1 ]3 F# H  g能力要求:- ~4 i" f1 r4 A2 H! C. T

4 S- Q; p# P% J/ I1.良好的英语沟通能力/ I% V" q: v% [# E. s( G
: S! p, Q; V0 a/ l3 G
) W& L: t) U. ]1 z
* S# n; x" h% ]$ {, Y1 y* k. _3.在调试,集成和测试嵌入式软件方面具有扎实的经验' E- V  g' V& U
" u) e" G0 K( G3 a: x2 W/ {
4.软件集成和测试方法的基本知识" D3 W5 k$ f% S! Y* {+ @

( v" s  h8 ^) S  K# Z. S) K5.具有软件架构的基础知识,并且具有AUTOSAR知识者优先
- `3 ?, `5 E  e8 v- \8 K) Q
1 m1 P% p% j% [: B6.硬件在环测试,测试自动化,持续集成7 Z/ A8 `! e( q% |: v# P
3 Y$ \8 I- m) V) D" t6 N9 S1 k0 F
7.具备逆变器基础知识,有逆变器应用经验者优先。  B6 E( v- S3 C

5 g- }5 {3 [# m4 v0 X% S, G1 ^工作内容:1 y# Q2 O* ?4 W, @2 O4 {
& a* {1 H% ~0 k, {0 o
" G  v5 I4 }9 N1 \
3 s  T% s2 z9 P' y5 J. n8 @8 l2.故障信息检查,故障代码预分析(与提出的故障代码相关的实际故障)并提供清晰的问题说明
$ {" i9 R1 A% k9 }
/ k$ e+ Z1 m% J: C2 a$ i2 e4 c+ Y" ]3.故障分析支持(鱼骨图/ FTA)
) e0 S+ |9 o) o2 M" m& W
4 U( X. V2 }& C: B# S4.返工/挑选方式方法推荐/讨论, P1 i- W' [& I) w5 F
; t& _* O1 z* F2 G- U3 c
5.挑选返工培训, }1 \, r: E) s4 }/ ~

1 I  p: [4 ?: v3 L- L6.如果需要,挑选返工进行监督! \5 F8 ~* u) G& B/ v
  p' |% E0 v( _+ s
9 G) H) j7 h) d0 F- K9 P9 I5 Z0 H' S6 X; Q5 v3 U1 _3 f
. e- o, v* }& s* W$ k) l2 X6 {1 q- k0 y+ ^* {8 M
( |6 K+ R* e" f! ?# a8 T6 R/ A* ^* ]" P* d
1.2软件故障代码:EDD功能故障4 }$ ^$ q/ H+ A& _! _9 h$ V

8 {- M/ i8 _. s3 S1.3冷却系统泄漏1 H; l7 C% \8 f9 C
. T, v8 z9 |- b" f3 m
- y. [  ^3 R) O7 i
% @5 L" g% p6 K  k2. NVH问题  o% R# v, Z6 X! k& t

! I2 c+ a" B7 x- v' `/ j3.失去驱动力. N* w/ q' b% T! T

; @  a' f- \8 i. A9 ]( X如果您对这个职位感兴趣,欢迎将简历投递至hr@haishi.eu
: l" b/ \) ]9 s5 ~% N) ~0 Q! F. j" I  ]4 d- `2 L" V
E-mail主题:Application Resident quality engineer Liverpool Your name
! K4 i1 I$ D. b$ k" N+ M0 N) @) }9 J- L# m$ p: U+ b' r4 C' D1 ^: Y1 p
联系人:Yuxuan LIU
5 d; t7 a( Q) i8 N% y/ M! U

1 z' r( y$ v# A" v6 E" vIntroduction :
7 j& A# s# |. |4 Q/ ~. }8 @; h+ K2 B) }) r" X- F$ U
Welcome to HAISHI Automotive Engineering Services & Consulting. We are looking to recruit a Resident quality engineer, this candidate will be responsible for the development, implementation, maintenance, and improvement of quality assurance processes. Throughout the implementation and maintenance process, this candidate should use data analysis to better understand quality reporting measures and improve processes. & X" z3 p* f8 K. e4 @4 |5 d# V: \4 V

. F0 }7 O* O+ Y/ COn-site technical support. The workplace is located in the Jaguar Landrover Halewood factory in Liverpool, England. This position requires experience in automotive industry software, electronic component and motor testing, also Land Rover working experience and basic knowledge of software architecture will be a bonus.
$ t9 T1 j; T3 e7 N. ^4 |# A. {+ m; z7 _+ E# Q  ]
Responsibilities:5 ?% X" B2 M! x9 O" m( W- v

) t6 E( ?+ N7 E2 [; s· Perform problem identification, resolution, loss reporting and continuous improvement( t1 G  g4 S# p
& B1 U" {2 n, p. Z& J( f- g
· Design and implement methods for process control, process improvement, testing and inspection
- Q  G3 h! I' K: v; ], ]7 z4 W7 ~
· Develop, execute, and analyze quality reporting measures
" p( N% v, m) d/ f( H  s; Y
  f! ^' }! b2 ]' J: Z· Participate in internal and external quality audits( y. h% W8 e/ ^1 G! ]& [
6 k/ N+ T* p& g, `
Qualifications:% J7 J1 u6 a; n- i) N/ ^# Y7 n

$ x1 C" H% k' j, }· Bachelor's degree or equivalent in Mechanical, Electrical, or Manufacturing Engineering
0 a" H4 }- k: h* e: k% G
' R0 p) H! @8 P! z. }6 h. n· 4 years of industry experience6 o# v- d9 k; D# {& @' \
, y; T, S, n& o" G2 y
· Strong knowledge of quality tools used in the industry
% ^: r1 J* [. _
  a: C! y( \% u" V' h6 v1 f· Analytical and quantitative approach to problem-solving
8 [# J% h5 k. u- z4 x5 ]. L
' J+ i- d0 x8 C) d2 E: kSorting Engineer Requirements:
" w3 \$ K7 ]3 k/ R3 H9 W$ n  ~: s9 p& V9 K
1. Good English communication skills required- J/ j! n. i# }( k/ h

$ Z: C6 B6 t1 n2. Problem-solving skills required (A3, 8D, etc)
% P, p% b# z- d  `8 c' m3 u$ E8 p" r, o# Y0 R% y6 G
3. Solid experience in debugging, integrating and testing embedded software
) p( t! d. ?7 i, v+ L
: |8 E7 X# E+ l2 R/ _4. Basic knowledge of SW integration and test methodologies
' X% ^' E" l& f  J% e6 j
' J1 t/ P) U8 |. W* c% c8 y5. Basic knowledge of SW architecture, and AUTOSAR knowledge is a plus$ c3 W2 N) r) z' s  ~
, M4 l" E5 S" n, `: G% z2 a, f
6. Hardware-in-the-Loop testing, test automation, continuous integration& g/ m2 B) y* [7 P* _6 \8 r! X

" H8 G7 D, c2 y+ m6 e7. Basic knowledge of inverter and experience in invertor application is a plus
3 `8 {: X4 |% f7 Y! {$ H
7 [3 l! k8 w' w3 w. G5 X6 AWorkplace: Liverpool, UK
: q1 k- f, |3 }/ s0 m; ~: a2 l
1 }$ M+ X6 [7 vIf you are interested in this offer, please send us your CV to hr@haishi.eu6 f: ?2 ]$ {6 P; F

& ]1 e- t/ \6 x5 D4 dEmail Subject:Application Resident quality engineer Liverpool Your name
6 _# [1 t- W) X$ T! n
2 A# j/ |. x; g) VContact person: Mr. Yuxuan LIU

9 o) o. Y0 O2 H* R1 u
/ A3 g4 |, ]- R2 j' `" `About us:& g. d! v; a4 b- `
2 u6 T6 B- a6 M! A$ }1 _
HAISHI is a consulting and engineering service company that provides professional and customized quality services in the automotive area. Its business covers important countries and regions or the automotive manufacturing industry, such as France, Germany, Poland, Slovakia, Romania, Spain, Morocco and so On.
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