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Business Development & Research Internship









Rank: 1

22 点
0 £
发表于 2014-7-18 13:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Company: ME Consulting Ltd4 @$ k- l( O) h" B
Location: Canary Wharf, London
3 [: C4 V/ l0 R  k1 pBusiness service Inc: Online-payment, Logistic, Education * b& R* c( U, p& \; H
Contact detail:4 z/ |5 i& }/ O  {6 ?' Q' c6 b6 t
hpau@meconsulting.me8 L1 U/ U- s9 Q% K  q/ x" R2 n; T; F

0 e/ r0 p* m" m' _Business Development & Research Internship+ I$ ~- S$ K" Q4 W( C2 J
Posted by:# J6 A, X9 r- \4 i- r
ME Consulting Ltd(MECL) & CPUnion- d# a. e- p: l( F( h
Region:7 ]( X, g9 g- o6 p  |. p+ `
Central London, E14
' g* E3 {) l2 O( K! SLocation details:* P5 m) C7 A1 @/ B
Canary Wharf' I5 Q, E- I0 }* e1 Q2 y
Job Sector:
8 p: [" A) C5 M: v! v  D- eMarketing, PR & Advertising
' l+ s- i$ |; h$ @( ePeriod:& H: n( [7 `$ X' C; i  D
1 - 4 Months 2 G: W" |( j% u$ e; U
6 F% n) q  ?# }7 Z8 z, d1 PPart-time   d5 z$ W" C+ [: ?9 c
Remuneration:/ V, N. F; @9 [  i% U
TBD : w8 r$ y* Q" Q; J5 p8 ?6 K
Post date:
8 ^- _' B$ c: k; _. S$ L17/07/20144 Q4 |5 F* m( q& ?# t& `. I0 n( ]
        ; A0 l, G+ u& t, W5 q. @$ n- W
Company description8 h" W+ y6 V: P
We are the leading consulting platform for e-commercial in the UK. Founded by a track-record team responsible for some of the top freight and technology start-ups in UK, the company's clients include some of the biggest names in entertainment. The company is based in Manchester, London and China.! M. Z/ v' o, Y. Y' d! j; O
+ Q+ W; b0 A/ J9 d4 @7 `7 V# Q
Internship description* {4 W- o- D1 [
This is a paid internship. Salary: £520 per month./ k: O2 r% B% W) e; v$ D
# C3 H3 q0 k& W2 B4 ^

9 V/ y: W) a, \- _8 Z% zHow you can expect to spend your day:2 t+ _& l+ h' b& l+ V; t1 W) V
% k( V9 j9 X3 h  B/ s7 Q
* Shadowing founders to grow the innovation, research and insight team in the UK.
6 g; F# p/ X( @3 W% _) o4 u7 L- W
3 E7 d! \+ |2 Y* Building out partnerships within the offsite location business entertainment space and related sectors.
6 e/ \6 ?* t# {' K! @! g  u0 h6 C1 H0 C( ]3 x
What you can expect to gain:
0 k9 h3 E# j+ F5 Y7 `; L+ {% A( @! [9 m) f
You'll be joining a small start-up team which has a lot of experience and serious track record. They're moving fast and you'll have the chance to take as much ownership as you can handle. This is an opportunity for someone to make their mark; they've got the product, the traction and the people. Well, not all the people, obviously!- ?, c  c/ E' k. U$ h

7 _" Q& V! |& a( NThe ideal intern's personality and qualifications:
: ~! L7 b( X: n3 q- J: e1 }- K$ ?! a$ @& {% y' j% K
We don't care what age you are but we do care about what you've done or what you're doing now. They also care about the following:, x. h+ a/ {9 ?! ~/ _

# P/ g, d. t4 l! u1 S* You can get stuff done. In fact you've already discovered their office, broken in and have hacked together a couple of ideas already.
3 Z/ t& i. s" _* T* y' q7 w
# i6 g& o6 U  F5 d8 p* You're insanely well-organised.4 ?0 X) i' n% i8 k0 q
! i  `9 ~! y6 P  [' t
* Your extremely analytical and numerate and enjoy undertaking research or innovation-related challenges.
. j6 i; X% ~. v: l' Z* x4 ]! G$ V& U
* You've worked with marketing/research companies before or have done something similar.
0 i; K( n( I3 y# k! D7 I4 ?  c+ q0 N! w
* You're a fire-starter; you can clearly demonstrate your abilities to get things done without direct supervision.; {8 K4 q* b' g
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