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兼职管理人员希望在曼彻斯特, Cheetham Hill, M8 8LY









Rank: 1

10 点
0 £
发表于 2019-2-21 15:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
JJ's Fairyland是一家位於曼徹斯特的時裝製造商和供應商。% v! K2 b2 a& k- P
" u5 I7 p7 m3 Z+ R3 ~1 \% j6 P  m
3 B* A9 ?% i1 S+ l. T2 R
0 ^8 K( Y; L( o4 Z為了支持我們的持續增長,我們現在正在尋找一名兼職銷售助理,以便在周日 9:30 - 15:00 工作 。
+ @# g' o: s" w- w( |" K2 p4 a8 Y* w1 {
理想的候選人需要精通英語。其他語言將是有益的。# x4 N! F2 U5 W) A7 i/ }

  b3 b; D6 Z7 ?* D! ?, z! R•性格外向,性格開朗,性格友好
5 x9 [+ l! i! f8 u! v# J8 z  y& n/ P7 S4 E8 y- a; d
6 P0 p; B4 p3 L# z" x, q% D2 T! F$ T% W" b2 n. W5 O! \5 j3 |, q9 j' w& s. |
* c8 C) l+ z) @' K- N
' d( f1 d4 y% g* l( t) B•對時尚和服裝的濃厚興趣 - 適合時尚學生
. z8 p# y9 @& ^3 N, y/ H
1 {1 v$ t: G6 p+ b" H$ C& S) t2 u•精力充沛,能夠主動工作( f0 U* t$ D3 j0 o2 K' \- @4 ]
6 ?8 G# M1 H& p& q" h
3 H$ `, d3 _+ z& B
& Y2 ]# e2 n4 s2 c0 N% K您將在我們位於曼徹斯特的展廳工作,職責包括:, Q4 M, ^- o: P2 |8 T" M/ k6 Y

( N( B: i# I' O5 K# ]1 J+ H5 V•為客戶提供服務並提供卓越的客戶服務$ S& g# [2 I+ p

$ P) r: n& D5 z+ ?& w: \•通過WhatsApp,電子郵件和電話回复客戶查詢4 H& C  b* h- b" C, `2 J  P" k, u$ B
2 V& n' i8 U% y6 l
•更新陳列室展示和人體模特4 g8 e; [( q1 a% @+ U

1 ]# N7 i( T6 i0 R$ _" Z& u•根據需要執行一般管理職責 - 編寫產品說明,將產品上傳到網站,發送客戶消息9 D+ @$ l8 y5 _4 G' c
5 L, X$ F/ W6 ]2 @1 ~
6 y7 V4 R( ^. T9 t! ?; P! a4 L( ^- ^
報價為每小時8.00英鎊,成功完成試用期後增加到8.50英鎊。2 K! F/ w9 l+ _& g

+ J3 |# i8 ]2 r& }如需申請,請將您的簡歷和求職信發送至info@jjsfairyland.com
' p$ d- k8 d0 s+ G# y7 t# q* J$ n8 Z
, w2 F5 s) A$ G0 d---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 J% P2 L5 `1 Q) U5 F# C) J
& O: j% ~* N4 L5 m; j
JJ’s Fairyland are a Manchester-based fashion manufacturer and supplier.
5 O0 S9 s$ _  D9 q6 I: j0 B8 J" K" s
Last year, we opened our newly refurbished Manchester showroom and office where we supply our wholesale own-label brand to high-street retailers, independent boutiques and online retailers.5 R9 X9 R2 O  j: z3 R, ~8 e
4 l* z& [# ]6 m, I3 c# u9 q- I
To support our continued growth, we are now looking for a part-time Sales Assistant to work on Sundays 9:30 - 15:00.
7 c' ?; `3 `! i/ o8 U) s' _3 q$ K' j' t& B4 x
The ideal candidate needs to be fluent in English. Additional languages would be beneficial.. w, Z. p! _# S

4 f! u' h0 [& D: L• Outgoing, bubbly personality and friendly disposition% p* ?. }8 P+ z

7 B5 X7 R$ [! h3 r% }• Great at selling to customers and presenting product
2 N8 F( b+ d! ]% e/ {. c* |4 h' Q* |
• Previous fashion retail experience
6 ~3 C2 ?, |' ^6 c/ j+ c" o, t  v8 }9 \6 i+ I
• Keen interest in fashion and clothing – would suit a fashion student
- x1 k. v8 \$ [4 `- y5 g3 Y! g# l) T: g% h  q6 |
• Energetic and able to work on own initiative4 ?3 N5 P1 C  K+ f3 ]& K

' Y7 G, v1 D' \1 d• Keen eye for merchandising in the showroom/ Y- Y7 f( x$ L) b" P3 E  G9 c
2 b3 i% {$ Q# V& B7 F: K  u% ]
You will be working in our Manchester-based showroom and duties will include:
1 ^, V! W+ i; o( h2 \
3 e5 I5 n, F; E3 W# T" V- [• Serving customers and providing excellent customer service
1 w# V" w( {: M3 E" e, g( S* U
% l$ i% J5 d7 L) @) ~• Responding to customer queries via WhatsApp, Email and telephone. T, w* r* r; B7 v
8 r- _0 P1 o% i7 \
• Updating showroom displays and mannequins4 A) [& r! B5 m
4 p' r$ E( \. x1 R' c# H
• General admin duties as required – writing product descriptions, uploading products onto the website, sending customer messages
2 l4 E% X1 z3 N9 O
1 F4 Q+ h7 S9 O# Z• Although this position is for Sundays’, we are looking for someone that is flexible to work an additional day Mon-Fri during busy periods/to cover staff holidays4 G% r3 \" Z9 u5 i& p

8 E0 |' i/ i& k4 E, aThe salary on offer is £8.00 per hour, increasing to £8.50 upon successful completion of the probation period.
+ }6 u4 C6 ~$ W  J1 m0 `! \! f$ `# U4 ?1 T% Y+ {6 k3 p; R+ W
To apply, please email your CV and cover letter to info@jjsfairyland.com.
& X7 `- r5 u! I& U

& j, I% B% g# f  @1 L+ M
: P3 t+ v" H) S7 C

# ~" G0 Z# g  |6 V; O7 W9 ~; M3 @& _- b' R1 v; b" G3 X( k! o
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