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招聘Campus Assistant校园兼职助理









Rank: 1

10 点
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发表于 2016-2-25 19:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
* Q- @; [1 l) r1 `& N+ Y9 m
; \1 P' b1 m; _) s# p; o7 `岗位要求9 b% I( s0 x9 q5 b/ ?5 Y
* y$ l4 e  Z5 p
1.英文专业、中文专业和经管相关专业者优先,要求熟练掌握英语。3 p5 b3 J0 d: ~  f  `* R

. W  f7 s1 ~- s) B3 u) H! c! i2.沟通能力强,具备较好的抗压能力,要求责任心强、为人诚信、细心。
* ]# V6 Q  q1 [6 Y* l$ b  g7 ]% K; e+ d$ _0 W! U6 U' d' p
( H2 N: F8 j3 u6 D3 p, ]; ^0 E
3 e& `, G) ~/ q1 _" C% c! [; L0 T5 {( c3 T* |
9 p5 j4 d1 O1 T0 a+ a
. S- k# s6 F( f0 F* B1 J7 u% g# I  p1. 负责调研高校市场,协助策划、组织和开展梦达琳在高校中的各项工作。
5 j! `( K! A' n3 m
% t% G9 {% S9 L9 T5 I+ F/ J0 H2. 树立和推广公司品牌及形象,不断提高梦达琳在高校中的宣传范围,扩大公司在本地及周边高校的知名度;" W2 K) ?3 l) `6 V2 {7 Q9 b
! o$ s9 F5 z% z9 S9 m5 w2 B" l
3. 根据公司总体的广宣策略,利用高校内部的各种宣传平台,协调支持项目前期宣传和现场执行等工作;) S+ R! _: W! e' W0 q

# H2 Q9 W+ y; T4 ~( W4. 收集宣传活动的效果反馈,并形成相应的总结,提出并制定相应的宣传计划,及时上报公司市场部经理;) ?  ]' [3 {+ `9 C/ T* a7 t: O
! v6 x# b: \; A% j( o
5. 建立高校市场档案,并及时予以更新;) p4 A% o6 H; I

1 E7 {( c0 I" z8 ~6. 建设自己的校园助理推广小组,发展新的组员加入;& T- D4 _% b' j' N6 j

5 N8 M/ r# U% n3 U7. 负责推荐开发潜在学员,并及时上报咨询师。; E+ B4 G$ w* H5 O8 k
) G, h, K$ b% H9 f
有意向者请将简历投至zib@mandarinconsultant.com,更多询问请联系Wechat ID: ziwen109
" F' D! t3 E$ ?: _7 {  f+ p$ i" _; \  I) ?3 M7 X: U7 W
Career Coaching Programme Campus Assistant
8 l7 q: j* i9 L, F7 `% x6 p- Q
! e6 y  f% d, ^, `6 Z5 MA leading global professional training and consultancy company is recruiting a number of additional dynamic and self-motivated bilingual (Mandarin/English) campus assistants for a career coaching training programme aimed for Chinese graduates in the UK.
( J: |5 z) w7 M3 K/ O: ^3 @  s+ K9 e3 G( I# b# C  w/ u8 m
Brief description of Campus Assistant:/ E, s7 T! D1 C2 m* D; ?9 ^5 H: y
Since its start in London in 2007, Mandarin Consulting has gained the reputation of the leading consultancy company helping Chinese bilingual students and graduates to gain internships and work placements from leading international companies.4 r: r1 l! d  T2 r% `
Mandarin Consulting has an in-depth understanding of the recruitment processes of international companies and their requirements for their Chinese applicants. Through its strong team of English speaking coaches, Mandarin Consulting has delivered an impressive track record in the past.
9 w0 K% M3 g4 t! ?, D; \
! X5 W2 h& ~, k; ~( l( w1 ^2 l: zDescription of the role:
) X! X* c. H. N; h2 x! p
% ?  ]4 X4 ~; |The campus assistant will:
+ M9 s, e$ \7 ]* c0 K(1) Research university market;
# H$ Z' S8 I- J(2) Get access to ambitious Chinese students on campus;; j. V9 @  n$ S  `' g- U& B. L
(3) Give feedback to the consultant of the needs of students;
2 X# U' {0 X6 q& \, C(4) Assist to organise seminars/workshops at campus for Chinese students with offer-holders or professionals;
6 o3 j+ d( R; p0 E* F; w2 N(5) Assist to promote events on campus and/or other events hold by Mandarin Consulting
; D/ u# K% C& S6 C* O9 z. R
8 {2 F9 _( w1 ]$ C5 l/ qRequirements of the role:7 S5 v0 p9 \& V
" k) |8 N; w3 a( E  w
(1) Determined, focused and result driven
2 N3 q# {8 L% _: ~& n" i  g0 v(2) Strong organization and leadership skills: h5 I0 E+ l. v. ^- y! a9 H6 L
(3) Self-motivated with ability to work on own initiative
8 @: W# @7 x  i/ s! f; \( y(4) Quick thinker and fast learner
) ?" S4 {( F0 Q7 j1 m" p(5) Strong desire to help others- `- d( x& O2 }+ W& A0 W) Y  `1 N
(6) Excellent interpersonal communication, persuasion skills and strong articulation skills
: e3 P& b, s- p; g, A(7) Good command of English to be able to communicate with the native English speaking staff in the company& ^' U+ r6 u* X* ?+ B/ |5 f

" w; x  m+ T* b/ kSalary
3 l! P" R/ Q3 ?Competitive
! n7 @- L8 }# `/ ^+ \
1 }; ]5 k7 d8 SOther rewards
' O$ U' g8 n6 i2 LWell performers will be invited to attend professional career coaching sessions
1 q# t: e$ [; l  CWell performers can be provided full-time work opportunity
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