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UUCL现招 Marketing & Operation Manager









Rank: 1

987 点
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发表于 2016-7-28 10:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Marketing & Operation Manager
" y5 A, m; G% ^( A4 ~- D9 w$ v) ] Universal United Commerce Ltd - Edinburgh # W6 x; ?/ T3 ~& I
& pound;23,000 a year - Permanent
8 T9 t" ]' C, X; d7 l4 o) J' q% f( w' x" ?

* u: \) K/ X! M0 Y* @, p Post Title: Marketing & Operation Manager1 T2 C" ]9 \7 Y" H0 z6 L
Post Style: Full time, permanent/ G4 k* w6 M6 c% C
Salary range: £23,000+ per annum! _4 N5 P- e9 b5 h
Ref: 0022016
$ e$ B+ D5 N" {: }& h Job Description3 X. b- L: s. ?# {* {5 Y5 [
& #8226urpose Of The Post: 3 K; f0 D& ]- N6 H
& #8226;To establish, lead, develop and promote the marketing team internationally in support of corporate success2 E5 A6 ]0 i) t% z+ h& O1 @1 Y/ v
& #8226;To formulate and implement effective strategies for: developing innovative programmes internationally, particularly for China’s Market, building business activity, managing resources efficiently and effectively and, generating income and profit
) t/ b. _( f  s& #8226;Responsible To:  Director of UUCL
+ ?) Q5 G2 d% f0 y7 g) O6 F& #8226;Key Tasks: U( y; {- b7 [! }0 e0 C

( i3 S  R/ B4 U Strategic Planning/operational Management4 o  z( d- `- L! ^
& #8226;To play a full role in the consideration, development and delivery of UUCL’s marketing strategy and planning
* i4 D" h% J/ L/ u& #8226;To lead innovation in all aspects of the Marketing team’s business activities! e6 y. O4 H, V2 C( ^! p' y
& #8226;To undertake other duties commensurate with the level of the post as the Director of UUCL shall from time to time determine.
' i/ E5 d5 P0 K" q
# P2 {' R3 i; F4 n Performance Management
: o$ `: V- L  v; R& #8226;To prepare plans and budgets for the Marketing programme in accordance with UUCL’s budget and corporate plan
6 }9 A& h! _0 k1 \& #8226;To foster and stimulate innovation and profit-generating activities in the Marketing
, Y5 o/ S, l" V, t2 R1 a) `& #8226;To oversee the management and operation of all the business projects6 [0 o3 }; n. V7 g7 V
& #8226;To effectively manage business issues within the Marketing, working within the policies and procedures approved and monitored by UUCL
3 c) \- N: W. X, r' _$ @& #8226;To make a significant contribution to UUCL’s strategic direction and outcomes through team work3 s6 {' q, b. K! y5 R% T
5 b7 {" L; d9 u6 y/ Q1 k% O8 `
People Management- T6 h9 ~' J; L: o% Y0 ]
& #8226;To ensure the effective utilisation and development of all allocated resources: staff, money, facilities and equipment- D: E' Z" {; a2 \& Z
& #8226;To recruit, lead and develop the Marketing team
2 r% M) U3 M* H& #8226;To play a key role in the development of corporate culture and behaviour change to support UUCL mission
, R# H' @+ f+ e& {% _) e2 A& #8226;To encourage and co-ordinate staff development to meet the overall needs of the Marketing team in the context of its development." ]7 n% m6 ^) d6 k( D- r8 c; }
& #8226;To be responsible for health and safety within the Marketing team
0 S4 A( d6 z0 Q8 l) d+ g1 c/ _" {4 |$ q( Q) \& m4 `" \
Person Specification
5 H: j8 n# \4 e8 Y Key to abbreviations2 m( N: F" q0 T: L% j
E Essential D Desirable AF Application Form
( W) t( X, M8 J: V! \/ J& q INT Interview4 H( P, b% O* O( Q2 J
CRITERIA CATEGORIES E/D AF/INT1 N" ]% E" a4 i3 B/ @  _5 O% G8 u
1. Qualifications/general experience
9 M6 @; e: v4 ]+ ^1 r6 F5 \# p
" g0 D/ m1 N) b2 F; g A good first degree or master degree in UK or/and China3 y- M$ i( r8 Y6 c# v, P
E( M# j, D! k( ?
0 B# T4 o: A. K0 Z Master of Letters (MLitt)
* p7 G  Y0 E$ x- w0 s; R3 a2 f0 J4 Q D
  L, k5 ^5 _& ]. v+ ^: [: X, k; d AF
0 |- i% Y- |- f$ ?; |7 ^ Management experience in a multi-disciplinary environment , particularly both in UK and China
6 X1 `7 ~6 u7 k E
) g- V( o5 }* |6 p. r' w AF/INT
, K5 w/ H: d2 J: x9 `% M" @$ G# {0 { 2. Skills, Knowledge and Abilities
" I  A# |4 K# T7 Z5 S4 D- w. @# X7 C# y9 r
The ability to support major strategic initiatives in supplying relevant projects to meet the needs of employers and customers.
  E5 H9 }$ W3 K E
  r; B; ^! q/ R' m3 `2 v AF/INT
( O7 I# r# A1 I# ?6 ~ Strategic management, planning and organisational skills with the ability to translate objectives into action in a timely fashion
  C4 a5 ]; x! H E
' U) Y# x) `' C# V+ h5 t; ~ INT
, H* M% x5 k! G) h7 L* F The ability to manage a substantial budget and an innovative approach to effective resource management- S4 S' @" |0 [3 o  V: `. H2 r) I
E+ S$ O- ~; I  X  @; n. I3 q9 {) s
6 A+ w/ C6 @+ [ In depth understanding of Asia-pacific market trends and the ability to manage and direct change
2 }* i$ `8 P1 w% W E
8 f7 ^7 m0 k# u/ y INT
: Y# N% @& |! @5 x8 C The latest knowledge of Chinese outbound tourism market
& B4 M* c3 T5 p* g/ o6 a8 g7 W E# }- Q0 Y8 K4 m, p
INT8 v9 K5 `0 E5 w3 W& x
High level of oral communication skills both in English and Chinese- l0 e% W1 Y3 ^+ |# n; M
( G1 C& @* a. X- J  n7 x/ X1 s INT3 u/ ~0 E% ^9 J/ @* Z
People Management and leadership skills
' g3 `, S9 x  D0 w, n) l1 n E' X$ ?' q7 Z1 O2 {' v3 d( v
2 V/ n- c; f% M. _1 U$ [ Self-sufficiency in IT including E-mail
  @/ _( D( V) o E9 t: K8 P6 U3 b2 Q/ d3 R
/ k3 }3 @% J. W) c2 r Organisational and Process Skills. f4 I. F1 {) f1 m5 C
E+ ]7 x+ X1 b* p; Q& ~
! S# ^" x( t* R Negotiating and Diplomatic skills8 [" P' c: B( ]. Z6 S3 `) f0 O
6 K/ ^  P8 {7 U( v1 F5 E INT
  Z1 x' k0 P9 F# @+ o( {5 q 3 Other requirements
2 c$ q9 G, x! B! d. B0 H/ m+ A% x3 L& W
Record of Achievement in previous employment
7 n% N6 W) l9 x" _1 ^ E
6 b0 M2 \1 c3 ~7 v: Z INT( c5 g8 L( p& u4 s
Flexibility & Adaptability* C* I/ m# C- H) Y; X
3 v) \" m, Q) e INT
; ~5 Y" k( {* D7 u, U Self-motivated with an ability to work without constant supervision
) H+ }* \9 q9 e& H7 ], @ E
# a! f1 \: ]0 B8 O2 M/ { INT  Z5 [: Y+ E: {+ T" v  y
Chinese-mother language/ m8 u$ Y9 D5 m5 Y2 W# ?; @9 O. Q" {
/ G8 t* M9 W, |& X" q' B INT
* {. j* @, E9 l  M High proficiency in English2 r6 R" l! c* l$ t
E* i$ r/ A8 Q, {0 b7 U) k7 Z
5 L! H6 U! x) H0 V5 T
, M+ N$ b/ e+ J/ d+ @8 m Job Type: Permanent/ [& o$ Z+ F# j" U3 B: K' M
: \8 v! E. T$ ]+ s
Salary: £23,000.00 /year
8 ~, k* g" e6 _$ A$ `  c
; e7 V* e- r  @5 O Job Location:, t/ N9 s6 Z' s/ Q1 d
& #8226;Edinburgh, N! R0 j$ _$ l

1 F1 f$ b) \: o! X( G) X+ g Required education:( B2 \( m. e7 ~% G
& #8226;Bachelor's
! x/ ?; c" m: N( l/ C
3 B7 ]0 A. e# |' m/ ?+ v Required language:
/ G$ z8 W' A' e: W( e- A& #8226;chinese; g2 m7 e# F8 z0 _
6 ~* f9 \: x# u, k, d# p* F" W
Required licence or certification:/ z, e4 D8 n6 W" z% a
& #8226;UK driving licence, _8 W8 A/ B! X1 b8 M- N6 u6 ~7 m








Rank: 1

987 点
0 £
 楼主| 发表于 2016-8-2 09:01 | 显示全部楼层
+ o9 L0 M3 O& e$ s
% ^( ~* i1 j' z1 N% J; U9 Z Catchpell House Business Centre,BernardStreet, Edinburgh EH6 6SP, UK
3 o+ A) F; R! X. c  K2 r2 N( s
9 g# V+ w" l3 g6 C+ T Tel: 0044 131 4670081 Fax: 0044131 4670099, Email: HR@uucl.co.uk   Web: http://www.uucl.co.uk
* Y6 `, p& c8 T5 ^; o* t' b7 E: l2 O3 k, e/ T" X' ], N
Registered in UK, No. 5465940.; `, n% j; z# {

/ s" d) q0 n) j6 Y VAT No.176062212, Tier 2 SponsorNo. 3DM9N63X2








Rank: 1

987 点
0 £
 楼主| 发表于 2016-9-23 16:04 | 显示全部楼层
2 n" U. G' b+ Q0 c% q3 MCatchpell House Business Centre,Bernard Street, Edinburgh EH6 6SP, UK
( M1 d# F( t( X( ETel: 0044 131 4670081 Fax: 0044 131 4670099, Email: info@uucl.co.uk   Web: http://www.uucl.co.uk" M- m9 I$ f/ T! L/ a
Registered in UK, No. 5465940.6 B, I# S: }4 u  R, [- Q; Q
VAT No.176062212, Tier 2 Sponsor No. 3DM9N63X2
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