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发表于 2016-11-17 12:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
www.thirdbridge.com . o  V( P% v% `4 z
https://www.thirdbridge.com/en 1 j( N0 k/ k; m: a2 E

" u0 Y+ ?% G/ X4 f. w  ^5 O招聘长期有效,一直都招人。
# ?4 P: m  ?: U" e' |$ u
1 n2 a0 k! ^% h8 f8 x  i1 t6 O# c时薪 8.5镑 (外加13%的holiday提成,所以已加起来的时薪差不多9.6镑) : `) N; I+ R7 g1 ?- Z& O2 J2 @

  b0 s8 y+ i$ |6 b4 u" `: Q5 e, q工作非常适和学生和正在找工作的同学,作时间灵活。兼职一周20小时一个月就可以收入700-800镑。
9 p# u  h! p0 G& s* z
& I6 s7 \3 C# h7 f! J0 n+ v* t工作不辛苦,就是坐着打打电话找各个行业的专家聊天,可以顺便了解很多行业的相关知识(包括:汽车、奢侈品、3D打印机、安全软件、空调、服装 等等很多行业)
& x' t9 W5 w  V/ r3 V: `1 @, `7 A/ ^
因为公司是专门做投资管理咨询的,也可以学到很多关于投资和金融的知识。还可以很好的提高交流能力,对以后找工作非常有利。 - Q; C4 s/ L0 q0 X5 I& ~' ~

$ p  G" W9 L2 S3 O4 P- y/ [5 H现在正在跟boss沟通,希望能帮大家争取到T5的机会。
2 K6 X8 \! y$ [! E- E+ t3 B, V
8 l' k2 B* M3 G# c: @5 W有兴趣的同学 可以加我微信,
" _3 {  S1 F8 w% g我可以给大家一些面试的建议
( X/ r' u% ?- W; p% r微信号:guohongdian - k( p2 B3 g1 a: k- y7 k7 J; ]

$ A0 p4 v0 t) V9 F2 HCV和cover letter可以发到HR邮箱 - r4 C( s$ Y& z( K0 I; Q4 L
2 F. X9 X% s& `1 J' S6 [/ T" |% z5 e
公司招聘主页: http://careers.thirdbridge.com/jobs/
# J1 C; q0 H+ Z' o0 t) b3 g( K  Z7 m" U6 L6 j$ {6 J/ x
我的linkedin: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/hongdian-guo-b8296989
' {% I3 [8 ?) ^3 H# r! X; T: n+ F; i3 t& d, F2 ]/ r4 O
, J+ ]. Q" f% s* R9 d/ W
' f. T  a1 i  X4 r4 l2 RPosition: Temporary Telephone Researcher ' K1 U# T8 T* e" s

- d( r1 k/ y* h4 G# _We are looking for multi-lingual, results-driven candidates to join us on a project by project basis within our Intelligence Reports division. Our intelligence reports seek to provide our clients with hard to reach information, to provide them with the competitive edge they need and to assist them in understanding and tracking trends within a specific sector. - [( d7 Y, c. U
Your responsibility will be to conduct high-quality, in depth telephone interviews with experts in different sectors, to uncover the latest trends and key drivers of an industry. The information that you discover, will be the foundations of the research that our clients will use to make key investment decisions. This is not "market research" - it is thorough, bottom-up, industry and company research.
* S2 Q# }2 e% V* F% o$ B% \Because our projects require global coverage, we have a strong preference for candidates with language skills. Your written and spoken English must be fluent and you should be able to interpret live-time into English when needed. 0 j* \% Q9 U! _
" R( K9 J1 w! J# u% u8 [Other ' d% Y4 O8 Y4 T" ?) b' c2 {! p
Responsibilities # ]! b# M3 j3 G5 f3 i( |
- Telephone respondents from contact lists with limited numbers, and convince respondents to participate in an interview 5 R' g( O: d5 y: U1 V9 q8 p3 \$ U
- Navigate gatekeepers and negotiate pushbacks to reach the person who is able to address our questions & c3 [: k8 ~* `
- Guide respondents through a set of quantitative and qualitative questions
3 {- E- D) p( E1 ?- Translate answers from respondents language to English, capturing detail, meaning and context. $ C6 T7 m" z. |; X. E4 a
- You will be able to engage in a knowledgeable discussion with respondents in a professional and personable manner in order to ensure respondents are happy to be re-contacted - P/ P/ N) J% K
- Keep an accurate record of all contact with respondents, results and responses of your interviews.
- m7 p7 c1 |" _; c7 A  ~Skills
, @- @# i2 e" c- Successful candidates must speak one of the following languages fluently with an understanding of Native Dialects: English USA, German, French, English UK, Russian, Mandarin, Cantonese, Hindi, Dutch, Spanish, and Portuguese.
4 D3 R+ X1 k7 B" [1 D: ~- Excellent communication skills, articulate and confident with great telephone manner . i8 C+ {5 b1 t; j) {5 H3 i
- Target driven with a deep pride in the quality of work
+ _1 y1 w3 x" V# d- Enjoy the challenges of cold calling and speaking to new people. You should be persistent, polite and professional. 3 {. K5 U/ N0 E" [7 }) x
Qualifications * c& }0 m# q3 D* t
Flexibility with shift patterns is required to ensure support across operational hours. Depending where the project is based the hours will vary: ( R3 _6 j% d' W6 t+ t/ ~* A1 c
- Asia: 06:30 13:30hrs 8 E! u! C+ c0 ~8 _
- Europe: 09:00 17:00hrs
( ]  z9 r- v# X6 G- USA: 14:00hrs 20:00hrs 5 A: D- B$ _# H! N, L5 u* g
Projects vary in length depending on markets. USA, China we conduct uninterrupted research, researchers will work under a casual rolling contract.
, k( n! G9 D- e7 \1 w1 LFor other markets such as Europe the research can last anything from 2 to 8 weeks depending on the type of projects we are working on. We invite strong performers to come back and work with us. There will be an immediate start for successful applicants.7 Z0 f1 v4 B  ?3 h% h& I
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