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Marketing Executive









Rank: 1

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发表于 2015-5-27 12:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

  g/ M- ?" V; i: U( A2 [
, A9 v( U4 l( w9 BThe Company5 P) h3 r6 C* T- K, M
S2S is founded by senior executive in International Education Industry and is now strongly building its position as a leading online education platform across China and UK. . ^) @! g" X+ N1 u4 `' K2 S0 U

4 r) a2 G8 f& `9 E. mThe role
+ E8 v8 j" w9 h7 W: u+ M1 eThe role offers an interesting opportunity for work in the overseas education sector, with an introduction to the operational side of the industry. We are currently looking for a Marketing Specialist to join our expanding team in the UK, working in the head office in Cardiff, alongside the director of the company. This position is perfect for someone looking to enter the sector, or for someone with administrative experience either in the sector, or looking to branch into it by working in an innovative, and rapidly growing, international education group. ' _) }$ N) d) h  G: ]0 v0 k
: p0 o( C# A" e# e! g
Reporting to the Director of the company, you will be responsible for communications between the schools/students and parents/agents in China and in the UK, as well as being an integral part of marketing projects support. In return we offer a competitive salary, strong support and development opportunities within this growing sector.
" V, O- k2 m. w# P2 e0 q+ F  a$ n1 l7 k
We are looking for a highly motivated individual to join us! / j) Z/ U8 R- d

4 z+ I5 `* @+ j6 s' }) J0 E. B: r Specific accountabilities  A& Y! A1 W- [
•        Work with China/UK teams to execute the marketing, promotion and business development8 M8 ]! U5 v; Z9 m3 D- _4 ]
•           Liaise between schools and agents/students’ parents . i( f- a, Z0 h% \1 e1 R) P" s. ]
•           Office administration
2 r8 Z# _1 Z- j! Y( A* o. w•           Experience in visa application issues in UK  h% I# j$ f5 \2 H% b

) }* d0 u4 @# T& A$ q1 z- Q0 |
% m( E! [$ Q- x9 GRequirements
. K" d: ^" A, W: i) |8 J4 A# h1 i•        British National (must)& x7 X& K' g7 A- j6 h) y
•        Fluency in English and Mandarin
2 _) o! E6 Q2 m0 W1 C3 f: v% Y•        Highly organized" f  D% K! I' _/ |) j! H) w
•        A strong team player
6 h3 _. }- t; X' n# t; E, R
3 b/ A" p6 T$ w$ N# v& ^$ v+ I# WApplications" ]  A* B' T- W9 T; c. d
We require a full resume, with covering letter stating how your experience and qualifications match our expectations.. s* N1 |# I. t6 O/ @
" r" w# T$ Y: B( U5 C8 |" l

/ C, a  q+ I% h1 c* uStarting date: 1st September 2015
* w: j# G6 j+ mApplication Deadline: 31st July 2015' _# s6 S' Q6 ^7 n: j3 S, \- Y( J
Please send your resume to:  sam.huang@uks2s.com : a& s/ k) b/ F& k! l2 y$ o
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