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法企世界500强中国工作机会 招聘产品质量主管









Rank: 1

531 点
0 £
发表于 2017-8-21 15:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
法企世界500强中国工作机会 : 招聘产品质量主管,国际化工作环境,多方位晋升空间

) M4 w; Z7 A$ n: e% s( i. z6 }
2 H4 R& C0 v" m! F) q- j
. w8 l& f! q' h0 w1 j
6 ]% x4 _, s/ r# }, x9 I+ S/ n

, D* B! O* Y/ C! i
了解详情及发送CV至我的邮件 : sc@88jobs.com

3 I7 P# _0 r1 v% I0 Q9 H
. ?* g$ \# a0 mAssignments您的职  j! j  G8 x' [/ m/ R" u
; i+ o8 Z# R5 J6 F% x
I develop supplier’s expertise to produce qualified products within targeted lead time.
( ^0 E* M5 ?. S/ hI evaluate and ensure the quality of products.- @- U5 f( z1 |# \4 x3 t3 r6 W4 ]
I measure and correct discrepancies.
/ n0 n) b. O& ?# n  i2 J/ G7 RI carry out production control plan and ensure quality system stability on my supplier.
: \) H8 f/ `9 t; D7 O$ d" Y- ^I ensure product development sustainability.# L) e3 f) U) w8 f$ U
I challenge, explain and recommend changes.& C7 v/ N) `) d* d
I enforce the social accountability requirement.
$ {- f. j  z. }* o# f) P3 W( XI ensure that environmental and toxicology requirement are respected.& z" L% i; g$ S, q1 V# D
I work with full autonomy.# ^3 r" J7 H% {) m; D. r0 I% s: e
  i! K! V% v4 y7 g2 p2 d, U2 i
我协同发展与提高供应商的专业知识,确保他们在既定的时间内生产出高质量的产品7 _0 l/ P3 t' c8 U' N& k
我评估并确保产品质量。7 E) e0 j* }9 A# l9 [+ _
& j% y; s/ B  R* ?我在供应商中开展生产管控计划并全面确保质量体系的持续稳定运行。
  F" t; m- ]' y我确保供应商遵守环境保护及毒性测试的相关要求。
8 [0 d3 l3 L# {( r我推动并加强供应商社会责任管理。
) S: E( w5 t: V( }7 h我确保产品生产成本具有竞争性和高性价比。
  j/ I( k9 O$ I6 ?我全面负责产品开发并且确保开发的有效性和持续性。0 g" S/ @  Z% |' l' W" ^0 C' d) n
' g- B3 t: d% G; w) J, u' N我拥有充分的自主权。# a! J* z' A. n% Q: B3 A

5 x; K8 F! ?! s
' a/ H$ {+ |8 E5 U) \) PRequired profile 岗位要求
, B4 @) ~. R6 J: C0 k6 H, g9 e: R0 h7 m
Sporty and practicing regular sports experience.
0 G( p% y' k2 H' e0 rVital, full of passion and energy.
! E* L, H' t) x+ ^/ `Manufacturing background, fund of working on the filed/supplier factory.
# X* O. {- ]3 UGood organization, negotiation and communication skills.
' T3 x0 x. ^# n. VStrong team spirit, willing to learn and able to master it.7 u+ p' |4 m9 @. u. ~
Sincere, responsible, and with outstanding executive ability." v0 k5 t, m5 T* K( e
Able to finish the tasks given by the leader and achieve the target in a required deadline.. ~. V! e& ~& d2 P  u8 a  e
Able to work under pressure, willing to take challenges.. I1 ~; Z/ I6 h/ J/ j! S
Accept frequent business trips and good mobility.
3 l; ]+ m0 P! e; ]. \Very fluent both in Chinese and English; French will be a plus.
* g, V# w7 r0 A/ u
: s4 W. h( L7 T2 I5 B$ z/ Q9 @* t% h1 L' n
热爱运动并且经常参与各类运动。; _2 K7 ~1 t- L: l
, Q( |8 o1 Q, m热爱工业生产和制造业,喜欢在现场工作。: f6 e( @( S: Q0 Q
. y6 {4 B9 z/ L6 h/ f具有团队合作精神,及优秀的学习热情及能力。
4 M) l& S# N+ `3 M充满好奇心与探索精神。9 g' y7 V3 V: o5 I: b' ?# Z0 }
真诚、负责且具有出色的领导力和执行力,能自主的找到资源和方法,推动结果的达成。4 W- t& S% B' p1 \
抗压性强,愿意接受挑战及频繁出差,乐意接受不同城市的工作机会。7 Q( k) l# O  a9 y8 T! x
中英文流利。1 S0 J- g: n; J1 L# J1 g- |
2 Q) m3 N" L; ?3 w  m
Salary and benefit 薪酬待遇: B+ G. V* y; x' Z
* b1 o5 N  E, \  r* t# `
Specific training plan and development plan.
2 E! o5 d0 M7 j) pPlatform to develop with multi-positions for internal transfer base on your willingness to make progress and take challenge.* M* ]8 v$ g! o( `2 ~- n( S
Working opportunities worldwide and different location in China.$ {, l2 B$ a/ t& B0 ^+ _: j, i$ b
Rich and varies sports activities.0 @8 f  G! L3 y
12-20 days annual holidays every year.7 G/ a! [. A1 C. }, J9 G, o! K+ ~
Extra commercial insurance. ]2 d* u9 o" t+ ]( L; z$ c/ O( _! Z

" r8 q8 Z* v! I; ]Salary and benefit 语言要求
+ V( K2 g# u% L8 J3 z
) G/ Z7 D' t* VFrançais  :  Intermédiaire0 |- b' ~9 q" z9 |- K
Anglais    :  Bilingue oral, écrit! x! w$ n# J# D, c& v, o: E: c
Chinois    :  Bilingue oral, écrit: S  \6 P) Q* N5 `
% B+ M4 B& U5 a, Y5 ]: p) z
→  sc@88jobs.com( v1 [5 v0 Y3 N. E, B8 D) v! q
→ 我的微信公众号 : www88jobs
- H$ s" L4 ]" [# o' h→ 88JOBS咨询电话 : +44 2080688367

  P: Q+ G# m0 V+ e! l( j在找工作的小伙伴们可以关注88jobs网站和微信公众号,88jobs有不同的工作岗位供您选择。
0 w; C7 a) g# V快发送简历吧 !!!7 K% |4 c# H8 p, P
88JOBS.com 汉外双语招聘网是一个非常年轻的招聘公司,在法国和上海都有分部,现在我们来英国啦 !你是88jobs在英国的第一批候选人。
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/ {+ c& C% C' i0 S* N6 f3 s
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